Friday, April 17, 2009

getting to help you know me

Yesterday I got vagina-probed (internal ultra-sound) yesterday in an attempt to figure out what the heck causes me so much pain and misery. The answer apparently is: nothing they can find. I have a 'simple cyst' on my right ovary, which could just be ovulating, since I took a month break from the pill before starting Yaz to see if it will do a somewhat better job of regulating my cycle and making it less hellish.

It occurred to me that you don't know me very well. That's on me. I'm still getting used to this whole sharing and expressing thing, so : here goes, in the cliched style of '100 things about me'

1) I identify as 'queer' in terms of both sexuality and gender identity
2) I used to to identify as bi,
3) then gay,
4) then I thought I was straight
5) and transgendered.
6) I had a new name picked out and was rehearsing the 'changing my pronouns, friends' speech in my head when I realized that
7) denying my female/feminine side would not serve me any better or make me any happier or more complete than denying my male/masculine side.
8) My gender expression goes through cycles.
9) My sexual tastes and activities do as well.
10) I 'came out' for real when I was 17.
11) I think of myself has having had sex for the first time twice, once with a man and once with a woman.
12) At the moment I'm in this very peculiar phase of embracing my femininity.
13) I think I'm still learning a lot about my sexuality.
14) I haven't been in very many formally codified relationships as such, but mostly have had flings and affairs.
15) I like referring to them as 'affairs,'
16) and to my sex partners as 'lovers'.
17) I'm currently in a long-term (two and 1/2+ years)
18) committed
19) monogamous relationship
20) with a man who I love very much, and with whom I was friends for many years before we changed the state of our relationship.
21) We have discussed the idea of non-monogamy.
22) It never seems to be the right thing for us individually or collectively.
23) Sometimes the collection of the aforementioned facts makes me feel like I'm the Last Unicorn or something equally unheard of amongst my peer-group.
24) In practice and habit, I'm definitely somewhere on the 'butch' end of the spectrum, no matter what I might be wearing.
25) I'm relatively top-ish/dominant
26) but I can, will, and enjoy to 'switch'.
27) Apparently #25 comes as a surprise to some people.
28) I like to be spanked.
29) The inside of my elbows
30) and backs of my kneees are particularly intense erogenous zones for me.
31) I have no idea why, but wow, seriously.
32) I just about melt when people say my name when I'm fucking them.
33) That makes me think I must be some kind of megalomaniac and not even know it.
34) It's entirely possible that I over-think things,
35) especially sex/ my sexuality.
36) I have issues with my body like anyone else raised in this hemisphere
37) but I really like being naked ,
38) don't have a problem being naked in front of sex partners,
39) and like to do it with lights on.
40) I read that people (women in particular) like their faces better than their bodies because they see their faces in the mirror more than the rest of themselves
41) since then I've been looking at my self naked in the mirror at least once a day.
42) I love underwear.
43) I own a really wide range of it, both 'men's' and 'women's'
44) I like to pack.
45) I don't do as often as I used to.
46) I don't get the food as part of sex thing.
47) I tried it,
48) didn't like it.
49) Despite what everyone says, getting my nipples pierced 3 years ago didn't change a thing about their level of sensitivity.
50) They were, and remain, VERY sensitive.
51) People did seem extra interested in them.
52) I showed them to so many people after I got them done,
53) It felt like a spectacle instead of just a part of my body.
54) I love body modifications in general,
55) except genital piercing, which scares the crap out of me.
56) I do not like hairless naughty bits,
57) on me,
58) or anyone else.
59) I tried taking it all off.
60) I didn't like it.
61) My pubic hair is naturally red.
62) It is neatly maintained.
63) My inner labia stick out,
64) much more on the left side than on the right
65) I used to feel very embarrassed about this
66) and thought that there was something wrong with me,
67) which was exacerbated by the fact that an ex used to make fun of it and imitate the way it looked by making faces.
68) I have a complete list of everyone with whom I've ever hooked-up,
69) I made this on the advice of a friend
70) so that I could keep track
71) and present proof should anyone question the truth of my sexual exploits.
72) I have a little mole in the middle right above where my pubic hair ends.
73) I really like it.
74) I thought that this was a part of the anatomy that everyone had until my early teens.
75) I have these ideas about what people find attractive about me,
76) and sometimes feel as though my attractiveness does not extend beyond them.
77) they are: my dimples
78) my freckles
79) my eyes
80) my hair
81) and my breasts.
82) I love it when people tell me that they like my pussy/think it's hot.
83) I have a 'tramp stamp.'
84) It's a lotus, in brown.
85) It's one of four tattoos.
86) I like it from behind,
87) both giving it,
88) and taking it.
89) I have really enjoyed what I have experienced of bondage
90) from both ends
91) and would like to do it a lot more.
92) I think that I project a lot more confidence than I have.
93) I'm a (dirty) talker.
94) I think of myself as being very sexual,
95) but not very sexy
96) and am genuinely surprised when other people think/suggest that I am.
97) I have had orgasms in my sleep.
98) I can have 'spontaneous' orgasms.
99) I get really wet,
100)really easily.

-I'm trying not to feel embarrassed about telling you all of this.
-If have questions, comment, I'll answer.


Emily said...

I, for one, am really really glad to know you.

Kinsey said...

And so much better now!

Essin' Em said...

I have all sorts of questions and comments. But I think I'll pull the filter down on this one. Thanks for sharing!